
Children playing in classroom

Preschool / Pre-K

2 Years and 10 Months to 6 Years

Our preschool classroom continues to be child centered and play based but introduces and encourages letter and number concepts as well as printing and reading readiness. These are taught through fun and stimulating activities planned by our knowledgeable teachers. In addition to a full day of enriching activities, your child has a full 2 hours designated for rest and relaxation to support healthy social and emotional growth.

Our preschool curriculum is designed to be fun and exciting yet challenging, encouraging the children to be active learners. Small and large group child-led activities encourage cooperative play and foster healthy relationships, while our teacher-led activities expose the children to new experiences and expand their learning. The focus of learning has expanded to include cognitive skills including problem-solving, cause and effect, and connecting experiences.

Preschool Program Goals

Build Self-Confidence

To build self-confidence and a sense of self-worth by allowing choices within limits and to build on successful experiences.

Foster Sensitivity to Others

To promote and instill a sense of caring for, and sensitivity towards others.

Nurturing, Relaxed Environment

To provide a nurturing, relaxed, caring environment where self-concepts are enhanced, independence is encouraged, free choice decisions are offered, social skills are acquired, and individuality is respected.

Ensure Physical Well-Being

To provide for each child’s physical well-being while in our care.

Promote Active Play

To provide opportunities to develop large motor skills and coordination through physically active play.

Appreciation for Nature

To develop in each child an appreciation for beauty and nature.

Encourage Cooperative Play

To provide a wide variety of activities within a routing where cooperative play is encouraged. Curriculum areas include art, math, science, music and dance, dramatic play, language arts and fine motor skills. Through these activities, children learn to trust their own feelings about what they learn, hear, see and do, and begin sharing these experiences with others.

Examples of Daily Activities

Daily Reading Activities

Age-appropriate and topic related books, puppet shows and flannel stories to support listening, language, and a love of reading as well as expand upon classroom lesson plans.

Literacy and Language

Independent drawing and writing, singing, story dictation and open-ended conversations.

Intro to Math Concepts

Number recognition and recall, counting, sorting, and patterning as well as basic math concepts of more/less than or addition/subtraction are introduced.

Creative Art Exploration

Painting, music, dance and pretend play to spark creativity.

Stimulating Sensory Play

Natural and everyday objects to encourage exploration through sight, touch, smell and taste to enhance curiosity and exploration.

Routine Outdoor Play

Routine time outside at our on-site playground to explore nature and inspire motor and physical development.

Enroll today!

Call us on (781) 444-6541